Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog Number Two

I really enjoyed the blog.  It was attractive, although it did have a lot of advertisements, which I did not like.  The headline on the page caught my eye and that was why I stopped on this one, versus the other blogs that looked mildly dull.  The fact that San Francisco is erupting in riots is pretty exciting.  It is important to have something exciting at the top of the page.  The name of the site is fun to say and the layout is pretty good because it is colorful.  There are also quite a few options to choose from, and I could click links to several different pages to see videos or go to Facebook.  This page looks the way a blog should look.  I love the way that I can share information with my friends if I so choose, which I would, because I find the content interesting.  This seems to be a news company's blog, because there is a page where I can contact Mashable.  I believe the writer is professional, because the page is presentable.  I will probably visit this blog again because I am able to find news quickly and I don't have to read a whole lot to get the gist of the story. 
Seth Godin's blog is one I am likely to follow continuously.  His most recent entry was very interesting and discussed starting a business.  I liked the way he looked at starting a business, and he had some humor, which goes a long way.  The format is simple, but it definitely works for Seth.  He has a conversational tone that I enjoy.  I would find it valuable and I believe that many intellectuals and people who have read his book would like it as well.  Godin is a smart man with strong opinions that are interesting to analyze.  I have heard about his books, and this blog sounds quite similar to the tone of his books.  It is great that one is also able to retweet from his blog.  We can also follow it by receiving emails, which is another neat idea.
The Fahlgren Mortine blog was a great resource that I will continue to follow.  It was the most technologically savvy of the group and it looked extremely professional.  It certainly left an impression on me.  The content was valuable.  There were some short blurbs about public relations, and the information was presented attractively.  I believe many public relations representatives would find this useful.  It looks like the corporate communications coordinator, Stephanie Seiffert, wrote the blog.  Her name was at the top of one of the blog links.  I will definitely keep up with Falhgren Mortine in the future.

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